Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Regression Therapy

A long time gone now
We were young and really stupid
Whacked from all the delusions we could buy
Thought we were a 'family, you know - Manson
Even carved an "X" into our soles
Too chicken-shit to do it like Charlie
Still, we left a ridiculous footfall

A turn of the century (2oth) graveyard
'Ethnic' at that, so not the best of care
...given the dead
Initiation by fear
Well known among the 'stoners' and the 'zoners'
A vault long broken in to

So the deal was to go at midnight
...with only a flashlight
Climb into the busted out panel of the cement vault
Once inside, the cold stench of stale death was ever present
Like the smoke from the bowl

The step down into the crypt was a reach
And it caused a slip and fall into an open coffin
The light revealed a headless corpse
Odd, but the body really does turn to dirt
A powder of distinct brown color..I likened it to clay
...still do in my mind
Some bone intact, and clothes from God knows when
Rotted pieces clinging to arm and chest cavity

Shine the light down the crypt
1"x 6" planks staggered at right angles as they descended
Four layers into the loam - each layer of plank at a right angle
...to the layer below
On each rested one, and maybe two caskets
Memory won't serve...
I've blocked the least, but am haunted by the worst

Desecrated and disrespected the dead...a family most likely
How fucking sick of a thing to do!

Me, once a straight 'A' kid...once, a school safety patrol boy
Same school where 'the teach' touched my innocence
I may end him if I could, but I digress...
I'm better than that

I wonder about that head to this very day...
on an altar or mantel somewhere perhaps

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