Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hey Jim, how are you doing?
We were kids once - grew up together
Remember catching snakes down at the creek?
We are 50 now Jim...

Started out you were 'opossum'
Your twin John we called 'weasel'
(whom, by the way, had no resemblance)

Haven't seen weasel in years - hope he is well

Hey, you got that job in the mine
That was gold to us back there...
Paid for your it sat high

(That's when you became 'Space Ride'-
scared me shitless to ride with you)

Ah man, but then the blow of snow and the fall
...a lot of steps
Hit your head hard, they said - scrambled you like an omelet
You never came to man...

Just so you know, you were buried with your Harley
You had a long procession 'possum'....beau coupe bikes


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